Critical Infrastructure and Increasing Security Vulnerability

Recently, one of the largest telecom services providers from the US suffered a data breach of almost 37 million prepaid and postpaid customers. Forensic investigations into the breach revealed that a malicious actor managed to infiltrate one of the critical systems in the network and siphoned off sensitive user information by violating user authorization. Once […]

Why is it so crucial to adhere to IT Standards and Compliance Guidelines?

Regulatory bodies and central banks have laid down several IT security standards and mandates across the world. For example, NIST, SOC2, FedRAMP, GDPR, RBI Guidelines, PCI DSS, HIPAA, SWIFT CSCF, SOX, and ISO 27001 are just a few examples. It is about the changing IT infrastructure and operational setups. Today data is widely distributed in […]

Pharming: A growing cyber menace that dupes netizens

Your smartphone suddenly beeps with the SMS: “Your internet banking user ID linked to your A/C No. Xxxxxxxxxx62 will expire tomorrow. Please click here to generate a new user ID – http://” Or sometimes with SMSs like: “Congratulations on being a loyal customer of ABC bank! On completion of 5 long years with us, we […]

Supply Chain is the New Vulnerable Link in Cyberattacks

Strike when Unprepared

The Context There is a proverb: “If you pull the ear, the head follows you automatically.”  Hacktivists, rogue nation states, and organized cyber criminals are adopting this policy extensively nowadays. In order to hurt any organization, cybercriminals target supply chains. In the era of globalization and digitalization, organizations of all shapes and sizes depend a […]

Another bank heist: Are banks equipped with adequate access management safeguards?

The incident that reraised the question of ‘Trust’ Remember the infamous bank heist in 2016 that targeted one of the central banks in South Asia? We are not sure if we have learned any lessons from that incident. Recently, cyber crooks performed a similar replay of the incident at a cooperative bank in northern India. […]

Adopting Cloud Solutions: The Inherent Risk of Inadequate Skills

In one of our earlier Risks To Watch articles, we discussed how organizations face the risk of not accepting adequate and relevant security measures on time due to resistance from the end-users. On a similar subject, Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently expressed its views. The study highlights how the lack of cloud policy and the necessary skill set restrict organizations from adopting advanced and comprehensive cloud services.

According to this research, almost 63% of the employees in any organization feel the requirement for training in cloud-related skills to either serve the employer or progress in their own careers.

Is your organization capable of detecting a breach in a timely manner?

Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted Securing data assets from compromised elements is one of the most challenging tasks for IT security professionals. A growing number of data breaches is a testimony to the fact that malefactors can very easily target vulnerable gaps in IT infrastructure.  And this challenge is further aggravated […]

Edge Computing: Evolution, Benefits, and Security Risks

About Edge Computing  Real-time insights are the driving force behind the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). That’s why edge computing, an extension of cloud computing, is being increasingly adopted by enterprises that have to navigate a large number of use cases for their mission-critical scenarios.   As the term suggests, edge computing provides the “edge” in […]

Another Password Breach, Another Lesson Learnt

Passwords are ubiquitous. In any digital ecosystem, passwords are the predominant authentication credentials to login to systems. As a result, password credentials are one of the most vulnerable forms of IT assets. Passwords are often the soft target for compromised corporate insiders and organized cyber criminals.  Against this backdrop, passwordless authentication is gaining prominence among […]

The Dangers of Cybersecurity Ignorance

The Context Young students at high schools, colleges, and universities are internet savvy, passionate about digitalization, and very particular about their online presence. The post-pandemic age has had a big impact on the lives and lifestyles of students. They got entangled with several advanced technologies while attending online classes during the pandemic, and the trend […]

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