Covid 19: New Paradigms and Cyber Security for Enterprises

The global economy is in turmoil. The novel Covid 19 syndrome or Coronavirus has plunged the world order in chaos and uncertainty. If the stock markets are any barometer then we stare at troubled times ahead. With trillions of dollars wiped out in the stock markets due to rising uncertainty, an economic slowdown looks impending […]

Cyber Insurance: A must for today’s organizations

Overview The importance of cyber insurance was first acknowledged by global enterprises way back in 2003 just after the California Security Breach and Information Act came into effect. Major Cybercrimes that involve malware, ransomware, phishing, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and even malicious insider threats were the concerns for organizations. Securing their data assets was the […]

Managing ‘Trust’ is critical in a distributed IT environment

Overview Gone are those days when the core of IT security used to be confined within data centers. The concentration of the IT security officials is no longer restricted towards securing the database servers from unauthorized access, monitoring network administrators and their activities. Modern IT environments are more inclined towards advanced technologies that are more […]

Are healthcare chains doing enough to protect data privacy?

Recently, an exclusive report from The Economic Times has unveiled that almost one million medical files of Indian patients were openly accessed online. With zero security measures for the privacy of sensitive details like patients’ names, addresses, date of birth, mobile numbers, Identification numbers, ailment types, physician details et al, a couple of reputed hospitals […]

What can we learn from this massive IoT breach?

In a recent shocking incident, an organized cyber criminal group hacked the usernames and passwords of servers and routers of over 5 lakhs Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It has shocked the entire IT security community of the USA and the rest of the world. It is quite imperative to note that the hackers intended […]

Unguarded Servers: Major reason behind data breaches of 2019

Overview A good number of alarming data breach incidents in 2019 have emphasized on the fact that unmonitored or uncontrolled servers are the biggest reasons behind organizations’ financial and reputational downfall. One of the biggest public sector banks in India exposed the data of more than 420 million customers at the beginning of 2019. Investigation […]

Data Breach: Time to identify Inherent Risks and adopt preventive measures

(Continuing from Part – 1) While we discussed rising cyber-threats and financial costs associated with those in the previous article, ARCON identifies the major reasons behind Information Security related threats in this edition. Organizations risk the integrity and confidentiality of data when there is a lack of robust password management policy. Normally, there are many […]

Data Breach: Time to identify Inherent Risks and adopt preventive measures

The cyber world continued to witness sophisticated attacks this year as well. Some alarming statistics highlights that the state of cyber- security preparedness is not up to the mark. Indeed, recently, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) announced that more than 21,400 Indian websites were hacked till October 2019 which is a sharp rise […]

How PAM can work wonders in the Media/ Entertainment industry

(Continues from Part – 1…) How did this happen and why? There is extensive data flow in the media industry. There are multiple sources from where data is accumulated and stored in databases and servers in different forms. The most common types/ categories of data that media companies generate are: Detailed news, reports or interviews […]

How PAM can work wonders in the Media/ Entertainment industry

Note: We have split the article into 2 halves. In Part -1 , we have discussed Media industry and what kind of cyber threats this industry has already faced. In Part – 2, we have discussed how these cyber threats happen, why they happen and what is the solution for this Just think of a […]

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