Why is Zero Trust Network Access desirable?

The Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) framework: ‘Deny access until the trust is established’ has taken a prominent role in today’s IT security landscape. Indeed, challenged by access control complexities arising from remote work culture, the ZTNA framework offers IT security teams with continuous risk and trust assessment at every step of identity authentication. A […]

Why your enterprise requires an adaptive authentication?

Far too often, security lapses around privileged identities happen in the absence of restrictive access to critical systems or if there is no implementation of least privilege principle. With so many users, user groups, service groups accessing critical systems, applications, databases and cloud resources from distributed and heterogeneous IT environment, — maintaining data integrity becomes […]

Healthcare Industry: Time to reinforce privileged access control

IT security awareness has become a crying need for the CIOs, CISOs and CTOs of global enterprises. After BFSI, Government, Manufacturing, IT and Pharmaceuticals industry, now Healthcare industry is facing the wrath of Cyber criminals. Off late healthcare sector has become a lucrative target for those who target compromised privileged accounts to steal sensitive information. […]

University Students’ Data are at stake

It is definitely unruly and obnoxious to learn that the cyber crooks are not sparing education sector from their target zone. Few months back, some unethical hackers (suspected to be from Iran) made an alleged spree of malicious attacks on reputed educational institutes (mostly universities) of The United States and abroad. After hair-split investigation, the […]

Is your fitness app secure?

While Oliver was jogging down the track and took a halt to adjust his snickers, little did he knew that the fitness app he installed in his smartphone to monitor his heartbeat is being accessed by some malefactor unlawfully. This has happened to thousands of (Oliver)s, due to a security gap at the fitness app […]

Evade these fatal Data Security blunders at any cost

With the impending execution of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), any potentially wrong data security decisions could lead to disastrous consequences for your business. Let us peruse some common data security mistakes that should be avoided at all cost. Negligence of Two-Factor Authentication This is one of the simple and commonly overlooked factors, which protects […]

Privileged Access Misuse: Four common mistakes firms make

Any modern-day enterprise’s information systems setup is not static. It grows as business expands. And as business goes through a transition period amidst rising amount of workloads shifting to cloud, the administrative accounts – logon credentials with elevated permission to access servers, critical data bases, and applications—also multiply. Organizations risks data breach lest privileged accounts […]

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