Malicious Insiders: The Biggest threat to Privileged accounts

Digital revolution– Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing– has helped improving IT operational efficiency, decision-making as well as return on investments (ROI). However, with every passing day, the types of IT threats are also getting complex and sophisticated. With the number of critical systems, databases, and applications increasing rapidly, the number of privileged users is simultaneously […]
Combat the Challenges of Unmonitored Privileged Accounts

Some recent alarming statistics about Privileged Access Management (PAM) yells out the danger that looms large on organizations due to unmonitored account activities. According to a leading research analyst firm, almost 80% of security breaches happening in the world involves privileged accounts. It is undoubtedly a prime time for the organizations to adopt a robust […]
Is your Firm Prepared to Identify Data breach?

Data Breach– one of those excruciating costs which are keeping compliance managers and top managements on tenterhooks–is preventable, if firms possess necessary tools to identify malicious attempts to steal information, at the right time. Traditionally firms in order to interpret their financial standings and gauge the measure of preparedness against innumerable business risks, look at […]