Single Sign-On Explained: How SSO Improves Security And User Experience?

Single Sign-On Explained: How SSO Improves Security And User Experience?

Creating a diverse set of login credentials for each app you use on your smartphone or laptop can be challenging. This is most common in the workplaces where the employer accesses diverse employees daily during different hours. But this can directly take a toll on your overall device security as well. Fortunately, we can address this challenge without any compromise. 

ARCON avails a hands-down single sign-on system that allows you to log into multiple applications using a single login credential. When the user logs in via SSO on their device for the first time, the SSO authenticates the user once. As soon as the SSO shows the login process, it is then translated, and the authentication parameters are stored successfully. So, the next time you try to log in to the systems, SSO will share the credentials and make the process a seamless experience. This is done as per the authentication mechanism that the application supports. 


Let us take a closer look! 


What is SSO?

ARCON SSO is an access management capability analyzer that comes with remembering one credential. So, no matter how many platforms you use on your phone, logging into all of them becomes as easy as it gets. Now, you do not have to worry about creating different passwords and IDs for all. So, it is even better to manage security and user experience. 

With SSO, you can log into it using one credential, as discussed above. So, when you are logged in, every application will be available to see on the portal systematically for you. Conclusively, it helps to reduce the risks of misuse of any application to a considerable extent. Here are some critical features of ARCON SSO that give a deeper insight. 


Key Features That Promote Security and User Experience

1. Password Management 

Password management is an integral method to ensure Security and prevent service disruptions. So, when you are configuring the application solutions, it is wise to set a complex password. This will reduce the chances of hacking or phishing on your device to a considerable extent. One can update the password either manually or rotate as per the defined policy. With this at hand, you will be able to encourage comprehensive synchronization that can occur in almost all networks around you. 

2. Self Service Portal 

If the user has not been allotted a specific application, they may raise a request for it. The entire idea of a self-service portal is based around it. So, once the request is approved, the application will become a part of the already-existing portal in no time. 

3. Seamless Integration 

Using the internet and its widespread features comes with an added risk of security all the time. As such, it becomes integral to mitigate them at every step of the way. ARCON SSO allows seamless integrations using app web browsers that foster security and reduce the risks exponentially. This process also improves the visibility of the user. As such, the SSO can be used for browser applications without enough hassle. 

4. Access Control 

Unauthorized changes in your device can raise concerns at times. Since it may question your overall device security, it is best to abstain from it as far as possible. Access Control encourages this initiative. This is a critical security feature that wards off any unauthorized changes that occur on your device. So, it helps manage the entire access system by enabling the user login time, disabling it and even disabling or enabling the dual authentication factor in need.

5. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

 Automation is the need of the hour. It improves a seamless experience and paves the way for accuracy and efficiency in no time. This is the process that helps automate the usual tasks people perform. As such, the user can work at ease for as long as they want and encourage a strong user experience. This also helps foster productivity as it is less time and energy-consuming. In turn, people can focus on more critical tasks at once. What is most intriguing about using this facility is that you can personalize your steps for any SSO activity you perform using this feature.

6. Multi-factor Authentication 

Well-defined identity references can play a pivotal role in accessing a range of apps. Every user access demands this at all times. When you use Arcon’s multi-factor authentication, you can avail yourself of its sound validation mechanism too. It can be highly secure for you in the long run. 

7. Just-In-Time Access 

If you want to utilize time-based access, this app can come in handy for you. It can be helpful for all types of users, whether customer or third-party vendors. As soon as the time that was allocated to the user is up, each right and access is revoked. So, no manual intervention is involved in this process. 

8. User Provisioning and Deprovisioning 

Arcon’s SSO does not just offer the usual provision and deprovision functions. It may also come in handy for provisioning and deprovisioning from within the apps too. As such, you can control this more comprehensively.



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How does SSO offer a Sound User Experience?

Once ARCON SSO is deployed, you are likely to get your hands on many potential benefits that will offer credibility and scalability like never before. Take a look below. 

1. Less Time Consumption

As the login credentials of ARCON SSO provide unique features like robotic process automation, the process becomes less time-consuming. Also, all the applications can be logged into using a single credential to complete this process before time. 

2. Promotes Security

The stronger your password, the better security your device can offer. ARCON SSO offers paramount Security that makes sure the user remains safe every step of the way. So, the ability to generate strong passwords becomes possible with this technology at hand. 

3. Ease Of Operation 

We have already discussed how this SSO helps you to use a single credential for all types of applications. As such, it not only helps save ample time but also eases your daily operation to provide a seamless experience in need. 

4. Toggle Functionality 

Sometimes the organization may be using SSO, while other times, they may switch to PAM. As such, you must be prepared to make the switch between both worlds as and when required. With ARCON SSO, this becomes a cakewalk. 

5. Speedy Functions 

Speed functions can instantly amp up your productivity at work. As such, Arcon’s SSO can be your best friend. Enjoy real-time speed functions as it promotes rapid development and releases cycles for your convenience. 


The Bottom Line 

ARCON offers best-in-class SSO to ease your login processes. With this, it is not just easy, efficient and flexible but also a highly secure process to scout for. So, why keep waiting? Make the most of ARCON SSO to improve your user experience and credential system forever. Get started today!


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