Privileged Access Management (PAM) in MSP Environments

Privileged Access Management (PAM), the practice to ensure rule and role-based access to target systems is an essential component of IT. PAM platforms offer the necessary safeguards to mitigate data breach threats arising from malicious insiders and compromised third parties. 

Traditionally, on-prem PAM solutions helped enterprises to prevent misuse or abuse of privileged accounts and credentials. However, in the wake of the changing IT landscape, organizations and businesses opt for Managed Service Providers (MSP) to manage technical functions. And in the backdrop of increased adoption of on-cloud resources and digital initiatives, MSP offers cost-effective IT options. 

Nevertheless, shifting PAM responsibility is a risky option. Migrating data to third-party environments essentially brings third-party risks. MSPs can be hosting thousands of tenants on-cloud and datacenters. The complexity demands robust IT controls to ensure security of enterprise client data and networks. 

 The complexity arises even further when MSPs control the privileged access to data, applications, and services. And there is a sharp increase in the number of privileged identities in the changing IT landscape. 

Once the privileged access responsibility shifts to MSP, the client entrusts the host for security of privileged credentials and authentication mechanism. Therefore, ensuring that the MSP is complying with stringent data security standards is important before entering the agreement. 

This well-researched whitepaper provides a very sharp analysis on why MSPs are increasingly offering PAM capabilities to their portfolio. It examines the options for MSPs and their customers in the market for PAM as a Service.

Moreover, this whitepaper studies ARCON | Privileged Access Management (PAM) The paper explains why the solution’s best-fit-architecture becomes a natural choice for MSPs looking to protect privileged access in multi-tenant environments.

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