Endpoint Security Revisited

Endpoint Security Revisited

Endpoint Security dominates the IT security concerns lately. Endpoint access anomalies—never taken into account before— surfaced all of a sudden due to the pandemic. The WFH scenario took everyone completely by surprise.

Subsequently, protecting corporate data became a little more difficult. The end-users – out of the restricted on-prem periphery – use personal devices and external hard drives. Against this backdrop, IT security teams face challenges practically from everything that seriously threatens the DLP practices.

Therefore, nowadays policy enforcements and greater visibility over end-users receive more attention. Endpoint security and governance are at the centerstage in the remote IT environments.

Endpoint Security: what if the scenario alters?

Back-to-office? That’s a million-dollar question. While it looks possible in the near-future, but uncertainty still prevails. However, sanely, sooner or later we would find things turning back to the normal. That is the point of discussion in this article. If at some point of time, we are back-to-office scenario, then what are the avoidable endpoint security pitfalls? Would organizations be equipped to handle the reverse scenario from an endpoint security perspective?

Endpoint Security: some security measures are applicable across all scenarios

User Behaviour Analytics (UBA) worked wonders for many organizations during the WFH scenario. It was highly crucial to know which application the end-user is visiting; which database the end-user is accessing; and whether that database access is at all required; is Single sign-on SSO followed? UBA solved some of the gravest endpoint security concerns in WFH environments.

Nevertheless, should the scenario alter, UBA could be equally beneficial. To think that UBA is a security solution specifically built for remote access purpose would be a mistake. The reason being that risky behavioural patterns and end-user anomalies threaten the IT security across all scenarios.

Likewise, good DLP practices such as Just-in-time (JIT) access to applications must be continued. The JIT approach ensures both business and customer data security. Abuse of privileged rights is possible both from remote environments or on-prem environments. This security approach adopted by several organizations in WFH is equally important in the back-to-office scenario.

5 Common Mistakes that Often Leads to the Compromise of Endpoints

Endpoint Security: Re-evaluate it if the scenario alters

Consider this, during WFH, admins allowed full access to customer portals for client servicing teams, as customer support is 24*7. For them, the back-to-office scenario requires complete monitoring for who is accessing the customer database for what purpose at what time. Hence reporting tools are crucial to detect any anomaly. An effective reporting tool helps to detect end-user activities and ensures security.

The bottom-line

IT scenarios alter very quickly. Especially during this hour of challenges, organizations must evaluate endpoint security from time-to-time to avoid endpoint vulnerabilities.

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