>To add value proposition and boost productivity for business, organizations have been transforming their day-to-day operations by investing more on the internet of things (IOTs).
Microprocessors and sensors connected to the internet add immense value to business as these devices transmit critical data in a real-time.
From internet connected medical devices to sensors deployed at various points enabling supply chain firms to streamline operations … the digital revolution has been the cornerstone for many remarkable ‘things’ that have transformed the way organizations function, including personal lives.
While the world of technology comprising of many groundbreaking ideas oozing mainly out of startups astonish digital community ever so often, sadly, we pay trifling attention towards IOT security.
Indeed, connecting devices to internet make organizations extremely vulnerable. Highly sophisticated attacks on IOTs is a strong possibility as hackers can break into devices by exploiting vulnerabilities.
From internet-enabled automobile gadgets, insulin pumps, glucose monitors to all other smart devices performing day-to-day tasks – possibilities now available but would have been never imagined a few years ago – risk falling prey to hackers if these devices are not adequately protected from cyber threats.
But are we prepared?
At the enterprise-level many devices (IOTs) are connected to the internet or enterprise network. Who is administrating/ accessing these devices? Who, where, at what time is someone collecting the data? … These are some important areas that need to be addressed. Unfortunately enterprises are failing to keep a track on these important aspects.
In a nutshell, access security will need a closer look. Data encryption or using strong passwords is simply not enough against the backdrop of large number of end users.
Hackers or compromised insiders can steal data, misuse it or deactivate and infect devices if the trusted privileges to access IOTs remain weakly protected.
These concerns are not theoretical.
The recent ransomware attack dubbed as WannaCry disabled hospital’s radiology equipment as hackers were able to infect the devices.
ARCON is a leading enterprise risk control solutions provider, specializing in risk-predictive technologies. ARCON | User Behavior Analytics enables to monitor end-user activities in real time. ARCON | Privileged Access Management reinforces access control and mitigates data breach threats. ARCON | Secure Compliance Management is a vulnerability assessment tool.