Are you monitoring user behavior?

The year 2016 saw some of the biggest cybercrimes of our times. From the Central Bank of Bangladesh getting stolen in a multimillion online fraud to hackers intruding a bitcoin exchange and from cyber crook hacking a baby monitor to Mark Zuckerberg falling prey to weak password management—a myriad of incidents brought to the forefront one important issue: that the cyber community and organizations in particular, are not paying enough attention to access identification and authentication along with monitoring user behavior.

In one of our previous commentaries, we had identified that organizations amid rising cases of identity thefts and data breaches, should maintain datacenters—repository of servers—like forts.

As your empire is at risk from several quarters, reinforcing datacenters with advanced threat prevention systems like a host of antivirus and anti-malware software, helps firms to a large extent by keeping a vigilant eye on malicious web-traffic and network.

But do you know, in most cases, organizations get hurt by the enemies within? Malicious insiders pose the biggest challenge to corporations—big or small—across the world. As the insiders are privy to sensitive information, a case of disgruntlement or simply greed, could lead to unsuspected but potentially perilous worker/s to steal the data.

Organizations could keep a tab on usual activities within its IT ecosystem by integrating a comprehensive identity and access control management, which includes biometrics. Once such IT security system is deployed, it allows a company to constantly monitor, manage, audit and prevent any possible attempt to breach a highly classified information. It particularly allows to a keep a close-eye on any suspicious activities going around privileged accesses, the heart of your enterprise.

Unfortunately though, many organizations still maintain a very lackadaisical attitude towards user identity and passwords management. Indeed, in a soon to be published survey from ARCON, you will find that even the desktop default administrator user Ids and passwords get managed manually from a majority of global organizations (about 70% of the respondents), needless to mention about the security of privileged accounts.

The bottom line: Organized cybercriminals are extremely canny, who are always on prowl to attack the slightest of security gaps. Could you allow them to wreck-havoc in your organizations by not giving enough attention to user behavior and having a weak access control management?

ARCON is a leading enterprise risk control solutions provider, specializing in risk-predictive technologies. ARCON | User Behavior Analytics enables to monitor end-user activities in real time. ARCON | Privileged Access Management reinforces access control and mitigates data breach threats. ARCON | Secure Compliance Management is a vulnerability assessment tool.

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