It’s not just about changing passwords

It’s not just about changing passwords | Risk To Watch | ARCON

Alright, passwords are changed regularly and all the updates are being installed unfailingly. Our devices are safe and secure, and the data is going nowhere.  That’s the general presumption of ours, isn’t it? And that is a huge mistake. In this large interconnected cyber space, unknown online threats are plenty. Tricksters are always at the […]

Time to Nurture Cybersecurity Pros

Time to Nurture Cybersecurity Pros | Risks To Watch | ARCON

Earlier this year, a bizarre cybercrime shook the world. A story broke of a criminal gang known as Fin7 faking a company to recruit potential employees. This gang is believed to have built ransomware earlier that disrupted a large US oil pipeline system company. This whole incident points to one thing: There is a serious […]

Risks, Compliance and Emerging perils

Risks, Compliance and Emerging perils | Risks To Watch | ARCON

The fallout of financial frauds in the cryptocurrency industry could be devastating and finally regulators are taking note of it. Indeed, regulators are scurrying to bring in a fresh set of guidelines to ensure that the collapse of cryptocurrency network does not end up posing a systemic risk. Some questions remain to be answered though. […]

Identity Governance: How to keep the House in Order?

Identity Governance: How to keep the House in Order? | Risks To Watch

Probably the most convoluted IT practices of all, the Identity Management and Governance is always vulnerable to a security gap. After all, controlling a vast expanse that extends beyond the traditional realm of a datacenter demands careful planning. While spiraling cost issues and inadequate resources often undermine the identity governance approach, the inherent shortcomings are […]

PAM, People and Processes

Privileged-Access-Environment | Risks To Watch | ARCON

That the effectiveness of a PAM tool is only as good as the organization’s outline around its PAM practice was never so true as today. Indeed, while integrations and automation of PAM tasks remain at the core, managing people, and processes are important too. All the automation initiatives can be undermined without proper controls around […]

How to Ensure Robust Compliance and IT Audits?

How to Ensure Robust Compliance and IT Audits? | Risks To Watch | ARCON

Enterprise IT vulnerability assessment in a timely manner is one of the basic requirements to ensure a robust IT security framework. And IT audits and compliance help the IT Risk Management and Compliance team to identify and assess underlying IT vulnerabilities. Yet, far too often organizations commit a mistake of manually conducting compliance and audit […]

Why Just-In-Time Privilege Elevation?

Why Just-In-Time Privilege Elevation? | Risks To Watch | ARCON

One disconcerting aspect in privileged access management (PAM) is that organizations are often not completely accustomed to widespread risks. Even if the PAM tools are in place, the fundamental principles sometimes could take a backseat. For instance, noncompliance to the ‘Least Privilege’ principle due to the absence of Just-in-time (JIT) privilege elevation approach. Scenario 1: […]

Digital Transformation and Pitfalls

Digital Transformation and Pitfalls | Risks To Watch | ARCON

A seamless digital transformation tops any modern organizations’ mid to long-term vision. The benefits are too many. Moving away from legacy business approach to digital business approach enhances business agility and efficiency. The Return on Investments (ROI) might increase as digital technologies enable to market products and services faster at lower costs. Nevertheless, it is […]

Why Contextual Authentication?

Contextual authentication is gaining more and more prominence in the overall cyber threat and IT frauds prevention landscape.

Contextual authentication is gaining more and more prominence in the overall cyber threat and IT frauds prevention landscape. The risk stemming from IT fraudsters needs attention as the ‘bad actors’ often outsmart ‘good actors’ in the cyber warfare. The bad actors have an uncanny knack to deceive the security controls in place. Although organizations and […]

Endpoint Security: A tactical priority

Endpoint Security: A tactical priority | RIsks To Watch | ARCON

Endpoint security is as important as identity governance and access management Information security receives significant focus these days. Amid increase in cyber-attacks, notably on endpoints, there is an urgent need to build a secure and reliable IT framework. Identity and Access Management (IAM) and cloud identity governance, several studies show, receive maximum IT security spending […]

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