Alarming Gap in Response to Data Security

Alarming Gap in Response to Data Security | ARCON Blog

A recent study suggests that a good number of Indian organizations are showing a lackadaisical attitude towards data security norms and initiatives. Whether it is personal identifiable data or electronic health records, most of the organizations are lacking cyber risk management strategies that ensure data security. About 60% of Indian organizations surveyed are not sure […]

Misinformation, Disinformation, and Misinterpretation

Misinformation, Disinformation, and Misinterpretation | Risks To Watch | ARCON

Much is being discussed about the security vulnerabilities in the healthcare industry. As the global digital healthcare system finds itself on the cusp of digital transformation, the healthcare records, Intellectual Properties among other forms of sensitive piece of information have become prime targets of cyber criminals. Indeed, the healthcare industry at the peak of the […]

Privileged Access: Detecting the Blind Spots

Privileged Access: Detecting the Blind Spots - Risks to Watch - ARCON

Managing Privileged Access — is it a simple or complex task? Some readers may say a simple task, while probably many among us would argue that the question itself is vague. Vague in the sense that the privileged access environment is never static. The privileged access environment continuously evolves, so do the complexities associated with […]

Agility, Innovation and Access Control


The cloud-first approach is gaining prominence among the IT heads. Operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness are the obvious components that make the difference between traditional on-prem and public cloud data-centre architectures. In addition, there is a range of services, tools and infrastructure offered by cloud platforms to foster innovation. Take, for example, microservices, big data analytics, […]

Excessive Standing Privileges: A gateway to IT disaster

Organizations adopt privileged access security practices with a well-defined framework as to people and policies to ensure restricted access to privileged accounts. Privileged accounts have elevated access to confidential information stored in systems and business-critical applications. Nevertheless, organizations make one huge mistake, very often… far too many standing privileges are created. This practice often leads […]

Some Common Mistakes Leading to Privileged Access Misuse

In the age of digitization, while organizations are busy with the digital transformation, cyber crooks take this as an opportunity to look out for loopholes in the security of IT infrastructure and exploit them to steal as much information as possible. The administrative IDs and privileged credentials are the most vulnerable among all. Organizations very […]

Strengthen Access Control Mechanism to Mitigate Third Party Risks

Banks continue to be the most targeted organizations by data-greedy hackers in this digital economy. While several reports show that the compliance framework among European organizations is still not up to the mark post-implementation of the GDPR — a period that witnessed several data breach incidents, another breach incident has raised a fresh question on […]

Is your organization controlling access to critical systems?

In the wake of numerous incidents involving abuse of privileged credentials and data breach, organizations are looking for more robust technology that could monitor privileged user activities in real-time and at the same time protect the critical business information from malicious actors. While robust validation mechanism helps in building the foundation for best privileged practices, […]

The awakening of IT security boom in Africa

The abundance of cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT)are driving massive growth in IT opportunities in Africa off late. The IT sector in South Africa is expected to reach R175 billion by 2022, at a 5-year compounded annual growth rate of 4.25%, according to the IDC’s latest Economic Impact Model report. […]

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