Everything You Need To Know About DevSecOps

Everything You Need To Know About DevSecOps | ARCON Blog

DevSecOps or Development and security operations indicate a software engineering architecture designed for IT security. The security is developed early on in the ‘tool and application development’ lifecycle. It helps to reduce risks and increase its business and IT objectives. DevSecOps plays a crucial role in the development of particular software. To understand more about DevSecOps, its benefits and more about the tool, check out here.

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About DevSecOps

DevSecOps is a tool that integrates security practices into the DevOps processes. It works on “security-as-a-code” technology, fostering communication and collaboration between the security team and software developers.

Previously, the software developers had concentrated on DevOps and a separate security team on vulnerability monitoring, detection, and management.

Nonetheless, with time, the two-tiered structure has been replaced with a continuous delivery approach system. It is none other than DevSecOps, helping organizations to incorporate agile and lean security testing tools. Using the software will not interrupt the delivery cycle or slow down any of your processes, and it is the most important thing in today’s time.

Benefits of DevSecOps

Today’s organizations require easy and quick cloud computing solutions, containing flexible data solutions and storage, and other things. There were times when DevOps was sufficient for developers. But it failed to meet the security aspects, which was further attained by DevSecOps. It encompasses both security and DevOps by integrating security in the software development process. Many benefits indicate why organizations choose DevSecOps for software delivery, and they are:

● Cost-efficiency

The solution helps creators in detecting and addressing the security aspects quickly. They can do this step at any time throughout the delivery cycle while limiting the risks. The time-insensitive security vulnerabilities will protect the end-users and the organization from being a victim of cybercriminals. Additionally, the developers can decrease outages and downtime by increasing the speed of the response.

● Enhancing the overall security

The software helps in reducing security breach and strengthen monitoring, security auditing, and notification efforts. A single flaw can put the entire organization in trouble, affecting the image and putting their revenue in danger. But due to DevSecOps, the software developers are better equipped now and can identify security threats. It is done before they cause any damage to the business, which is a significant aspect.

● Maintains transparency

DevSecOps has encouraged security teams and software developers to work side-by-side. It has resulted in maintaining openness and transparency, increasing efficiency and productivity. Not only that, but it also promotes continuous management. By monitoring the failures and successes of an organization, the organization can find out the best result to eliminate problems. It has helped to enhance the entire software delivery cycle and improvise the software delivery efforts. The organization can also use metrics differently, which eventually separates them from the competitors.

Sooner or later, DevSecOps could become the first priority for companies globally. It’s because the earlier an organization incorporates the technology, the sooner results can be enjoyed.

DevSecOps and DevOps: What is the difference?

The DevOps is an amalgamation of two aspects of computer science. Here Dev indicates software development, and Ops refers to information technology operations. The objective of DevOps is to enhance the speed of software delivery enabling continuous communication, collaboration, integration, and automation.

Briefly, the demand for DevSecOps has increased dramatically, and more than 74% of IT professionals have claimed to use it. DevSecOps uses both SecOps and DevOps, creating a cyclical practice for technology operations, software development, and cybersecurity. The objective is to enhance the development of a secured codebase. Here are some key elements of both DevSecOps and DevOps that will help you understand the same.

Key aspects of DevOps

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): It is a way to use code to manage and automate computing resources, like virtual machines and physical equipment, etc. IaC is also used in automating maintenance and decreasing the time spent on overseeing IT operations.
  • Policy as Code (PaC): It is a way of using code for automating and managing procedures. Policies include defining the proper use of technology IT practices, the standard security, etc. it helps make the policy available in the code format enabling automated deployment and testing.

Key aspects of DevSecOps

  • Automating security:Automation is a key aspect in every stage of the development lifecycle. It helps the team to handle more security responsibilities in a short span. It also includes compliance monitoring, automated code analysis, security training, and threat investigation.
  • Continuous feedback loop: It ensures every team member is promoted to enhance the maintenance and development of the tool frequently. Getting continuous feedback will help in monitoring the software threats and providing security professionals to eliminate threats.

In a word, DevSecOps has increased the development time while ensuring security while DevOps concentrates more on security. Every company must start using DevSecOps if they wish to save their reputation and eliminate becoming a victim of hackers.

Getting started with DevSecOps

You must have already done so much hard work in integrating different operations in workplaces. If not, it is the right time to consider the perfect solution to secure the software development process from beginning to end. PAM or Privileged Access Management can be a great way to begin with. Here’s why:

It is an ideal solution using which you can control, manage, and monitor privileged user activities. It offers the IT team a centralized policy framework governing and authorizing users depending on specific responsibilities and roles. The tool will ensure security to every system by implementing the least privilege principle.

The bottom line

DevSecOps helps to empower companies and takes a proactive approach to security. The invention of the new technology has helped software developers and security professionals to work hand-in-hand. It has led to the identification of security vulnerabilities and eliminating them before penetrating the organization.

Companies that have already incorporated the tool have started receiving the benefits. It offers the security and software development team an effective and user-friendly tool. With that, maintaining transparency, communication, openness, etc., has been smooth. After knowing everything about DevSecOps, are you ready to incorporate the solution into your company? Integrating successfully will enhance the daily operations and save your company from cybercriminals.


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