Identifying Risks Before Time

We believe in protecting data with advanced methods


Digital Transformation and Pitfalls | Risks To Watch | ARCON

Digital Transformation and Pitfalls

A seamless digital transformation tops any modern organizations’ mid to long-term vision. The benefits are too many. Moving away from legacy business approach to digital

Contextual authentication is gaining more and more prominence in the overall cyber threat and IT frauds prevention landscape.

Why Contextual Authentication?

Contextual authentication is gaining more and more prominence in the overall cyber threat and IT frauds prevention landscape. The risk stemming from IT fraudsters needs

Endpoint Security: A tactical priority | RIsks To Watch | ARCON

Endpoint Security: A tactical priority

Endpoint security is as important as identity governance and access management Information security receives significant focus these days. Amid increase in cyber-attacks, notably on endpoints,

Endpoint Security Revisited

Endpoint Security Revisited

Endpoint Security dominates the IT security concerns lately. Endpoint access anomalies—never taken into account before— surfaced all of a sudden due to the pandemic. The

Trust, Insiders and Colossal Damage 

Trust, Insiders and Colossal Damage

“Trust no one, Jim. Especially not in the mainstream;” said Mr. ‘Control’ to Jim in an opening scene of John Le Carre’s ever so popular

enhanced identity governance framework

Ready to Navigate New IT Use-cases?

The proliferation of machine identities necessitates enhanced identity governance framework. It would be fair to say that our digital ecosystem is ever-evolving. Technology advancements, IT

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