Reluctant to Accept Security Measures? Your enterprise could be at Risk!

The Context Organizations are investing in new technologies vehemently to stay competitive. Cybersecurity is among the top priorities. And the adoption of the latest cybersecurity measures has increased significantly in recent years due to emerging IT use cases, resulting in the rapid adoption of cloud technologies. Subsequently, implementing an Identity Threat Detection and Response mechanism […]

Zero Trust, Controlled Privileges and Data

ARCON has always propagated the message of controlling and protecting the inner realm of an organization’s IT network. It builds the foundation for robust cybersecurity.  Whether the cyber-criminal sits outside the realm or is present inside the periphery, typically it is the compromised insider-privy to confidential information- who is behind an insider attack or cyber-espionage. […]

Critical IT Infrastructure: Time to Push the Alert Button

Overview It is not uncommon that critical systems are often targeted by cyber criminals. And we have documented it from time to time. But this time the attack was on toll collection systems.  Indeed, gone are those days when you take out your wallet to pay highway tolls while driving through the city suburbs. Today […]

Unauthorized Access: It’s not just about databases

Overview A recent report by The Economic Times (CISO) revealed that more than 600 twitter accounts, emails and websites pertaining to the government of India were compromised in the last five years. CERT-In, the official government body that notifies the affected entities along with remedies, have also confirmed these shocking statistics.  The ‘Digital India’ drive, […]

Data Security: A Never-ending Concern

Data Security: A Never-ending Concern | Risks To Watch | ARCON

It is not a bank, a government entity or a healthcare organization! This time the cyber crooks strike hard on the entertainment industry! Recently, a USA-based vendor that designs graphics processing units for the gaming and professional markets suffered a compromise of emails of more than seventy thousand employees. Can there be anything worse? The […]

Alarming Gap in Response to Data Security

Alarming Gap in Response to Data Security | ARCON Blog

A recent study suggests that a good number of Indian organizations are showing a lackadaisical attitude towards data security norms and initiatives. Whether it is personal identifiable data or electronic health records, most of the organizations are lacking cyber risk management strategies that ensure data security. About 60% of Indian organizations surveyed are not sure […]

Keeping Supply Chains Secure in a Digitalized world

Keeping Supply Chains Secure in a Digitalized world | ARCON Blog

As the tension mounts due to the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and possible flare-up of the situation turning into a full-scale war, the world already reeling under pressure from the pandemic aftermath might stare at some more risks and uncertainties. While there are always dangers of economic costs spreading beyond the affected region, […]

Social Engineering and Data Breach

Social Engineering and Data Breach

There is no question regarding how technically highly-advanced and sophisticated cyber-criminals are. They possess adequate skills and know-how to intrude inside the IT network and steal sensitive information and bring the IT ecosystem to a standstill. Nevertheless, one often overlooked fact is that most of the IT incidents stem from social engineering: an act of […]

Misinformation, Disinformation, and Misinterpretation

Misinformation, Disinformation, and Misinterpretation | Risks To Watch | ARCON

Much is being discussed about the security vulnerabilities in the healthcare industry. As the global digital healthcare system finds itself on the cusp of digital transformation, the healthcare records, Intellectual Properties among other forms of sensitive piece of information have become prime targets of cyber criminals. Indeed, the healthcare industry at the peak of the […]

When Bad AI takes on Good AI

When Bad AI takes on Good AI | ARCON | Blog

In the vast compass of the digitalized world, the good actors often meet roadblocks created by bad actors. The later, as always, want to create a panic, and bring disruptions of all sorts. They look to corrupt or steal the data typically for financial gains. The area of AI is a typical example where bad […]

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