Why your enterprise requires an adaptive authentication?

Far too often, security lapses around privileged identities happen in the absence of restrictive access to critical systems or if there is no implementation of least privilege principle. With so many users, user groups, service groups accessing critical systems, applications, databases and cloud resources from distributed and heterogeneous IT environment, — maintaining data integrity becomes […]

Five mistakes that often leads to compromise of endpoints

Some of the most grave IT risks arise due to inadequate endpoint privilege management. As we discussed in our previous article, a lackadaisical attitude in controlling and monitoring endpoint privileges often leads to compromise of sensitive data. In this article we would like to highlight the top five mistakes that organizations make with regard to […]

How ARCON Privileged Access Management could have averted this Nuclear Plant disaster

Cyber criminals have turned their eyes on nuclear power plants now. Another malware attack struch hard in one of the nuclear plants in the southern part of India recently. It has not only disrupted the generation of electricity in the plant, but also raised burning questions related to secure privileged access. Forensic investigation by the […]

The significance of Endpoint Privilege Management

Every organization has suspicious IT users. And it goes without saying. How many times do we uncover that John Doe working let’s say as a business consultant with lots of expectations, climbing up the corporate ladder very fast within a short span of time and comes into the limelight of management due to his strong […]

Is your manufacturing plant robust enough to protect Operational Technologies?

Organized cybercriminals are leaving no stone unturned to inflict huge losses to organizations. The financial impact of data breaches is increasing and the IT security teams in most of the industries are facing a myriad of challenges, mainly related to access controls. Manufacturing organizations are no exception. Cyber crooks target Operational Technologies (OT) such as […]

Malicious Insiders: The Biggest threat to Privileged accounts

Digital revolution– Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing– has helped improving IT operational efficiency, decision-making as well as return on investments (ROI). However, with every passing day, the types of IT threats are also getting complex and sophisticated. With the number of critical systems, databases, and applications increasing rapidly, the number of privileged users is simultaneously […]

Time to shore-up inner periphery with Privileged Access Management

After the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulation came into effect in May 2018, the global organizations dealing with data of European citizens have reinforced their IT security infrastructure to comply with the security mandates of the regulation. In spite of that, it has been found that GDPR has imposed heavy penalty on multiple organizations […]

Tread Wisely between IT Security & Convenience

An exclusive research by Gartner predicts that information security expenditure would exceed $124B by the end of 2019 globally. Despite this steep hike in cybersecurity investments, the number of cyberattacks escalated drastically this year. Most of the industries suffered badly as cyber crooks turn up with more sophisticated techniques among which identity theft tops the […]

How to Overcome the Privileged Access Challenge?

Enterprise IT security team often face challenges to maintain a control over privileged users. And it has to do with the rapid pace of digitization and virtualization, which in turn has increased the number of privileged accounts in the IT network giving access to critical applications and databases. Whether your data center is in premises, […]

Pharma Industry Data Breach Challenge: Beyond usual Industry Risks

Most pharmaceutical companies agree that the losses from cyber attacks could be escalating alarmingly in the coming days. According to the latest research report of The Economic Times group, only 5-10% pharmaceutical organizations have deployed cybersecurity solutions to combat hacks and breaches. Lack of proper data security measures are luring cyber crooks to target this […]

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