Zero Trust, Controlled Privileges and Data

ARCON has always propagated the message of controlling and protecting the inner realm of an organization’s IT network. It builds the foundation for robust cybersecurity.  Whether the cyber-criminal sits outside the realm or is present inside the periphery, typically it is the compromised insider-privy to confidential information- who is behind an insider attack or cyber-espionage. […]

Critical IT Infrastructure: Time to Push the Alert Button

Overview It is not uncommon that critical systems are often targeted by cyber criminals. And we have documented it from time to time. But this time the attack was on toll collection systems.  Indeed, gone are those days when you take out your wallet to pay highway tolls while driving through the city suburbs. Today […]

Data Security: A Never-ending Concern

Data Security: A Never-ending Concern | Risks To Watch | ARCON

It is not a bank, a government entity or a healthcare organization! This time the cyber crooks strike hard on the entertainment industry! Recently, a USA-based vendor that designs graphics processing units for the gaming and professional markets suffered a compromise of emails of more than seventy thousand employees. Can there be anything worse? The […]

Social Engineering and Data Breach

Social Engineering and Data Breach

There is no question regarding how technically highly-advanced and sophisticated cyber-criminals are. They possess adequate skills and know-how to intrude inside the IT network and steal sensitive information and bring the IT ecosystem to a standstill. Nevertheless, one often overlooked fact is that most of the IT incidents stem from social engineering: an act of […]

Password: A major security vulnerability

Just think of our day-to-day life. Typically, we all have common passwords for email accounts, social media accounts and bank accounts, which can result in a nightmare, if compromised. On a personal level, if a password breach can affect us so gravely, what would happen if the same happens to privileged accounts for a large […]

Are healthcare chains doing enough to protect data privacy?

Recently, an exclusive report from The Economic Times has unveiled that almost one million medical files of Indian patients were openly accessed online. With zero security measures for the privacy of sensitive details like patients’ names, addresses, date of birth, mobile numbers, Identification numbers, ailment types, physician details et al, a couple of reputed hospitals […]

Unguarded Servers: Major reason behind data breaches of 2019

Overview A good number of alarming data breach incidents in 2019 have emphasized on the fact that unmonitored or uncontrolled servers are the biggest reasons behind organizations’ financial and reputational downfall. One of the biggest public sector banks in India exposed the data of more than 420 million customers at the beginning of 2019. Investigation […]

Pharma Industry Data Breach Challenge: Beyond usual Industry Risks

Most pharmaceutical companies agree that the losses from cyber attacks could be escalating alarmingly in the coming days. According to the latest research report of The Economic Times group, only 5-10% pharmaceutical organizations have deployed cybersecurity solutions to combat hacks and breaches. Lack of proper data security measures are luring cyber crooks to target this […]

Some Common Mistakes Leading to Privileged Access Misuse

In the age of digitization, while organizations are busy with the digital transformation, cyber crooks take this as an opportunity to look out for loopholes in the security of IT infrastructure and exploit them to steal as much information as possible. The administrative IDs and privileged credentials are the most vulnerable among all. Organizations very […]

Strengthen Access Control Mechanism to Mitigate Third Party Risks

Banks continue to be the most targeted organizations by data-greedy hackers in this digital economy. While several reports show that the compliance framework among European organizations is still not up to the mark post-implementation of the GDPR — a period that witnessed several data breach incidents, another breach incident has raised a fresh question on […]

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