Endpoint Security Revisited

Endpoint Security Revisited

Endpoint Security dominates the IT security concerns lately. Endpoint access anomalies—never taken into account before— surfaced all of a sudden due to the pandemic. The WFH scenario took everyone completely by surprise. Subsequently, protecting corporate data became a little more difficult. The end-users – out of the restricted on-prem periphery – use personal devices and […]

Privileged Access Environment: How to avoid chaos?

Privileged Access Environment: How to avoid chaos?

A privileged access environment often reminds the IT community of a maze. In both instances, chances are high to get lost in the way. Consider a maze, when we enter it, we are confident to make it. However, with every move, and every turn we take, we invariably start to lose our way. We go […]

Trust, Insiders and Colossal Damage

Trust, Insiders and Colossal Damage 

“Trust no one, Jim. Especially not in the mainstream;” said Mr. ‘Control’ to Jim in an opening scene of John Le Carre’s ever so popular 1974 British fiction spy novel: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Jim was a part of the British Intelligence Services, code-named ‘Circus’, sent by ‘Control’- head of the ‘Circus’, on a mission […]

Privileged Access: Detecting the Blind Spots

Privileged Access: Detecting the Blind Spots - Risks to Watch - ARCON

Managing Privileged Access — is it a simple or complex task? Some readers may say a simple task, while probably many among us would argue that the question itself is vague. Vague in the sense that the privileged access environment is never static. The privileged access environment continuously evolves, so do the complexities associated with […]

Ready to Navigate New IT Use-cases?

enhanced identity governance framework

The proliferation of machine identities necessitates enhanced identity governance framework. It would be fair to say that our digital ecosystem is ever-evolving. Technology advancements, IT innovations and automation have paved the way for increasing use of machine identities (non-human identities) for day-to-day operations. Indeed, machine identities outpaces human identities due to emerging use-cases. Consider this: […]

Five Musts to Mitigate Endpoint Vulnerability

Five Musts to Mitigate Endpoint Vulnerability

To enforce deeper granular controls over endpoints is critical nowadays. Remote work culture essentially means managing devices both within and outside the network. Endpoint governance and robust access control policies provide the key components to prevent endpoint vulnerabilities. In this article, we discuss some of the best IT practices in mitigating endpoint vulnerability. Endpoints Mapping […]

Agility, Innovation and Access Control


The cloud-first approach is gaining prominence among the IT heads. Operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness are the obvious components that make the difference between traditional on-prem and public cloud data-centre architectures. In addition, there is a range of services, tools and infrastructure offered by cloud platforms to foster innovation. Take, for example, microservices, big data analytics, […]

Governance, Control and IT Visibility.

Governance, Control and IT Visibility | ARCON Blog

Any guesstimates about how interconnected the world is? According to the conservative estimates, it is believed that there are about 50 billion interconnected devices. That roughly translates into trillions of end-users and digital identities including vast chains of information networks. Our information networks are priceless. Whether big data, AI-powered programs or numerous silos of databases— […]

End-user Trust: The Bullseye of Modern IT Security

End-user Trust: The Bullseye of Modern IT Security

The Zero Trust IT security approach is gaining popularity, globally. The reason behind this IT security philosophy becoming mainstream is that it demands continuous assessment of the ‘trust’. Yes, it is the ‘trust’ that is conferred upon end-users, privileged users, administrators to access systems, is the weakest link in the attack kill-chain. Steered away by […]

Would you still ignore endpoint privilege management?


That critical infrastructure is increasingly eyed by sophisticated cybercriminals and the security posture requires urgent attention to thwart rising targeted attacks was brought to the fore yet again when a water management facility was accessed by a hacker a few days ago. And this incident is still in the news because this one is not […]

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